Ashley Testerman, M.ed

Hi there! I'm Ms. Ashley, a passionate educator, an artist, a proud aunt, and a true NOLA native.

With over fourteen years of teaching experience in New Orleans schools and a Master’s in Education, I have now transformed my journey to coaching kids to academic success through my own business.

  • Creativity

    Growing up, I was captivated by the world of colors, shapes, and art all around. This early love for creativity allowed me to develop an appreciation for individual expression.

  • Nature

    I spent most of my childhood summers away from NOLA in nature, exploring the rivers and streams of the Missouri Ozarks. This connection to the natural world later influenced my approach to teaching, as I recognized the importance of incorporating nature into learning experiences.

  • Teaching Reading

    I discovered a passion for reading instruction when I began studying the powerful impact of literacy and the joy it brings to individuals. I now create unique and engaging learning sessions, allowing students to grow and thrive in their understanding of the world around them.

    Coaching others is my passion and purpose. I find immense joy in guiding young learners through the exciting journey of discovering the magic of reading and empowering them to reach their full potential.